Exploring on foot is one of the best ways to see the Cairngorms and its wildlife - from secluded forest trails to amazing mountain top vistas. Planning your trip in advance, wearing appropriate clothing and keeping a careful eye on the weather will all help you make the most of your time.

The tourist information centre in Aviemore is a great place for advice and there are many outdoor shops in Aviemore if you need to buy any outdoor gear. During the summer, the Cairngorm Mountain Ranger Service lead guided walks from the Ski centre car park. They also have a particular interest in the conservation, education and recreation of the area. Hillwalkers heading up the mountains can also leave details of their activities with the ranger at the Ranger Base at the Ski centre car park.

If you are heading up into the hills, a really useful resource is provided by the Mountain Weather Information Service. This weather forecast will give you expected weather conditions on the mountains, including cloud cover, wind and temperature at different altitudes.

For lower level walking there are some excellent small guide books available, two that we recommend are; Aviemore and the Cairngorms - 40 Shorter Walks and Walks Aviemore including Glenmore & Speyside (Hallewell Pocket Walking Guides). The OS Explorer OL57 Cairn Gorm & Aviemore (OS Explorer Map) Map is also a must have for finding your way around. All of these titles are normally in local shops.

We are happy to give you advice and tell you some of our favourite walks in the area. Waterproof maps available for you to borrow at reception and we are happy to help you dry off wet clothing/boots etc.

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“Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands, forever I love”

Robert Burns

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Guided Activities

Why not have a tailor-made excursion by a local guide? Arc guiding offer mountain biking, walking, ski touring, wildlife guiding and winter skills training.

We look forward to your stay